Oats are a cereal crop that can provide good feed from late autumn through to early spring. Oats adapt to acid soils and are a useful tool in pasture renovation because they expand the number of chemical possibilities that can be used for weed control in the year prior to sowing a perennial pasture. Oats can be combined with a legume (such as the FastCut and Winter Cereal blends) to increase overall quality if hay is required. There are a large number of cultivars available and this will allow selecting specifically for grazing, hay or grain as well as dual purpose varieties.
Rainfall: 550-800mm+
Seed count: 30,000/kg
Sowing rate: 80-120KG/ha (depending on rainfall)

Brunswick oats
Brunswick oats is a mid-late heading dual purpose oat. Excellent warm soil tolerance and impressive resistance to rust, it is a very upright variety that is fit for early grazings and a heavy cut end of the season. Brunswick produces a high proportion of thinner tillers which assists recovery after grazing and improves cut quality. A leader in modern dual purpose oats.
Ryecorn is a reliable, deep rooted early winter feed option. Rapid establishment provides first grazing at 4-8 weeks with good recovery allowing 3-4 grazings per season. Sown with brassica, legumes or vigorous grasses, ryecorn can provide a fast feed component to be overcome by the more nutritious pasture varieties as the ryecorn is grazed out.
Rainfall: 350mm+
Seed count: 30,000/kg
Sowing rate: 80-100KG/ha alone or 20-40kg/ha mixes
Excellent forage for grazing, hay or silage production, fast establishment and good quality winter feed. Harpoon is an awnless, fine stemmed, white seeded variety with good disease resistance. It tolerates multiple grazings and is later maturing than other forage barley varieties.
Rainfall: 350mm+
Sowing rate: 70-100KG/ha
Triticale is a cross between wheat and cereal rye (ryecorn) that is known for its excellent vigour, drought tolerance and high tolerance to waterlogged soils and acidity. Kokoda is a high yielding dual purpose forage and grain variety, strong early vigour for grazing and high quality grain used for beer.
Rainfall: 350mm+
Sowing rate: 100-120KG/ha