Molasses feed
Molasses is a low cost, safe and effective alternative to grain as a cattle feed. It is often preferred to grain as a supplementary or drought feed and can be fed on a twice weekly basis with no risk of digestive upsets.
Cattle being fed with molasses tend to use dry feed with a reduced liklihood of compaction of abomasum. Molasses is a high energy feed containing adequate amounts of most minerals. Unlike grain it contains no protein of any consequence.
What is Molasses?
Molasses is an end product of raw sugar manufacture. Sugar cane juice is boiled a number of times to crystalise the sugar. As the sugar crystals are removed (the impurities), a diverse mixture of all the essential plant elements, are concentrated into a liquid. The final syrup is molasses, black and viscous, containing organic and inorganic material.

Molasses nutritional analysis (figures are approximate only)
Sucrose 35%, Reducing sugars 13%, Water 23%, Ash and other organic matter 30% (Nitrogen 1%, Calcium 1.3%, Sulphur 0.6%, Phosphorus 0.07%, Magnesium 0.34%, Chlorine 2%, Potassium 1.6%, Sodium 0.6%, Iron 0.03%).